'Not Mitt Romney' Campaign Juiced by Iowa Tie and Eyes Florida
A conservative Internet group, NotMittRomney.com, said on Wednesday that the razor-thin result of the Iowa caucus proves the reputed GOP front-runner's weakness.
"Iowa delivered Romney fewer votes this go-around than in 2008, so we cannot at all be shocked by the absolute lack of enthusiasm he's producing," said Ali Akbar, co-founder of the anti-Romney effort.
"Newt Gingrich, Gov. Rick Perry, and maybe even Rick Santorum now have an opportunity to do something to move their polls. I trust voters who value having a competent nominee will choose South Carolina -- but likely Florida, as we've said all along -- to make their stands uniting behind one major contender."
Akbar added, "Many I talk to would like to see a teaming up between Newt and Governor Perry."
Caucus analysts noted that Romney spent $113 per vote in Iowa while Santorum's shoestring campaign expended only 79 cents per vote to finish eight votes behind the former Massachusetts governor.
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