Newt Gingrich Backs Holly Benson in Republican AG Primary
Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2012, endorsed former Agency for Health Care Adminstration Secretary Holly Benson for attorney general.
The next attorney general of Florida will have to take the lead on the lawsuit challenging Obamacare, said Gingrich. In my opinion, there is no one more qualified to do this than Holly Benson.So today, I am proud to endorse Holly's candidacy for Florida attorney general.
I've worked with Holly, and I know she is a proven conservative that you can trust, added Gingrich. Because Holly worked with Governor Jeb Bush to transform Florida's Medicaid program and served as secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration, she is uniquely qualified to understand the dire consequences of Obamacare for our health care system and our Constitution.
Beyond that crucial issue, Holly understands that we must reduce unnecessary regulation and fight frivolous lawsuits in order to restore our economy, said Gingrich.She is pro-life, rated A-plus by the NRA, and like her mentor, Governor Jeb Bush, is a committed free-market capitalist.Holly Benson will make a great attorney general for Florida, and I encourage you to consider voting for Holly on Aug. 24.
It is a true honor to have the former speakers support of my campaign, said Benson.Newt has been at the cutting edge of conservative policies, leading not only a conservative banner but also leading our party to victory after decades of being the minority in Congress. He is a true conservative icon, and I am proud to have his endorsement.
Benson faces Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp and Pam Bondi in the Republican primary.
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