Mitt Romney Names Florida Finance Team
Leading the pack of Republican presidential hopefuls in most national polls, former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts continued to build in Florida this week as he unveiled his finance team for the Sunshine State on Thursday.
I am proud to announce my Florida finance team, said Romney in a statement. Having the resources to go up against President Obama and his billion-dollar campaign will be necessary for success in November 2012. Their hard work will be crucial to my efforts in Florida and across the country.
The Romney team contained an impressive group of names led by veteran Republican fundraiser and lobbyist Brian Ballard, former Ambassador John Rood and First Coast developer Jay Demetree.
I am proud to be a part of such an impressive team, said Ballard. More importantly, we are proud to stand behind the man who will be the next president and who will turn our economy around. Mitt Romney is the only candidate with experience creating jobs and turning around organizations in both the private and public sectors. All the members of the Florida finance team look forward to raising the necessary funds for Mitt to win in Florida and beat President Obama.
From a press release from the Romney camp, the full list of Mitt Romneys Florida Finance Team :
State Chairs: Brian and Kathryn Ballard, Jay and Tammy Demetree, Ambassador John Rood.
State Co-Chairs: Bill and Ann Bain, Nick Beckwith, Speaker Allan Bense, Carlos and Janelle Beruff, David and Caroline Cardenas, Gary and Nancy Chartrand, Jim and Kathy Dahl, Remedios Diaz-Oliver, Lew Eisenberg, Mike and Constance Fernandez, T. Martin Fiorentino, Paul Fireman, Bill Heavener,Mori and Forough Hosseini, Darlene and Jerry Jordan, William Koch, Dr. Gary Kompothecras, Rodger and Hillary Krouse, Bruce Kulp, Ned Lautenbach, Marc Leder, Genean McKinnon, Donald and Priscilla Miller, Garyand Renee Morse, Rick and Lynn Mullaney, Lee Munder, Tom and Betty Petway, Ronna Romney, Ambassador Francis and Kathleen Rooney, Steve Ross, Melanie Sabelhaus, Brent and Debbie Sembler, Ambassador Mel and Betty Sembler, Ambassador Ned and Stephanie Siegel, Jim Stanley, Tony Tamer, Senator John and Jean Thrasher, Dr. Zachariah Zachariah, Dr. Paul Zimmerman.
Statewide Finance Committee: Scott Adams, Marta Batmasian, Richard Corbett, Toni and Andy Crawford, Bruce Deardoff, June and Ferdinand Duda, Charles Githler, Steve Halverson, Robert Hershenhorn, Mike Hightower, Fred Leonhardt Jr., Tom Neff, Lee Nutter, Duaneand Sue Ottenstroer, Don Phillips,Dr. Peter Wish, Jordan and Denise Zimmerman.
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