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Marco Rubio Team Continues to Pound Charlie Crist for Calling Special Session

Staff from former House Speaker Marco Rubio, the favorite to win the Republican nomination in the U.S. Senate race, went after Gov. Charlie Crist, who is running in the race as an independent, for calling a special session of the Legislature next week.

Nearly three months after the Gulf Oil Spill, Charlie Crists only solution to help Floridas Gulf Coast recover is to call a photo-op special session that wont save one Florida job, keep one small business open or prevent one future oil spill. Florida needs leadership, not Washington-style political gimmicks and Washington-style politicians who will say and do anything to win an election, said Alex Burgos, a spokesman for Rubio. Marco Rubio is the only leader who has proposed real solutions that will actually help Floridians suffering today because of the Gulf Oil Spill. Its time for serious leadership because we dont need more politicians in Washington concerned with making headlines, producing photo-ops and proposing gimmicks instead of solutions.

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