Lizbeth Benacquisto Reels in Gary Aubuchon's Endorsement
Former state Rep. Gary Aubuchon announced on Wednesday that he was supporting Florida Senate Majority Leader Lizbeth Benacquisto, R-Fort Myers, for the Republican nomination in the special election for the congressional seat left open when former U.S. Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla., resigned after pleading guilty to cocaine possession. Aubuchon ran in the Republican primary back in 2012, taking 16 percent but taking fourth place as Radel won.
Lizbeth Benacquisto has fought for balanced budgets and smaller government, Aubuchon wrote in a letter supporting her candidacy. She has brought us tax cuts every year, cuts that are helping small-business owners get people back to work. Shes also applied conservative principles to everything shes done; supporting local control of education, protecting kids from predators, and keeping our promises to seniors and veterans.
Gary is a job creator and respected member of this community, said Benacquisto. I am proud to have his support.
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