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Lizbeth Benacquisto Named to National GOP Legislative Position

On Tuesday, Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) President Matt Walter announced that Florida Senate Majority Leader Lizbeth Benacquisto will serve on the Executive Committee of the Republican Legislative Campaign Committee (RLCC). Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford, R-Wesley Chapel, also serves on the RLCCs Executive Committee.

Floridians are fortunate to have an advocate like Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto to lend her leadership, determination, drive and vision to help her state succeed, Walter said on Tuesday. The RLCC is honored to utilize her skills and talents as a member of the 2014 RLCC Executive Committee.

We appreciate her continued commitment to growing the Republican Party in the states and her service on the Right Women, Right Now advisory board, as we recruit over 300 first-time women candidates to run and win as Republicans, Walter added. We thank Sen. Benacquisto for her service to the RLCC and look forward to working with her to enact conservative, pro-business policies in Tallahassee and in state houses across the nation.

Im deeply honored to serve on the 2014 RLCC Executive Committee to ensure that Republicans win at the state level and have the opportunity to champion legislative policies that help families and business owners succeed, said Benacquisto The RLCC is an exceptional organization that brings together state legislative leaders from across the country to collaborate on best practices as we fight for lower taxes, personal freedoms and strong families. I thank the RLCC for the opportunity to serve, for their commitment to growing the Republican Party from the ground up, and for their ongoing support for state-level leaders and citizens.

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