Lizbeth Benacquisto Gets Backing of Florida Congressmen
U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., and U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Fla., announced on Monday they were backing Florida Senate Majority Leader Lizbeth Benacquisto in the special election to replace former U.S. Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla., in Congress.
Washington is broken and this president has no interest in fixing it, Diaz-Balart said. Lizbeths fighting spirit and proven ability to get things done are just what we need to get things moving for hard-working Florida families.
Lizbeth is a proven and trusted leader, said Rooney. Washington desperately needs more people like her and I look forward to standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her to fight for the fiscal responsibility the people of Florida need and deserve.
I am honored to have the support of two of Floridas strongest conservatives in Washington, Benacquisto said. Together, we will fight to cut taxes, balance the budget and reduce regulations that are holding back our economy just as I have done here in Florida.
Benacquisto takes on businessman Curt Clawson and former state Rep. Paige Kreegel in the April 22 primary.
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