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Kirsten Gillibrand Backs Gwen Graham for Governor

Continuing her bid to be Florida’s next governor, former U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham, D-Fla., announced on Tuesday that she had won the endorsement of U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY. 

Kirsten Gillibrand
Kirsten Gillibrand

"I am proud to join thousands of others in supporting Gwen Graham, a strong progressive leader, for fovernor of Florida. In the age of Trump, we need courageous leaders like Gwen who will always put people over politics and aren't afraid to stand up to anybody to do what is right," Gillibrand said. "For her strength and leadership skills, her fortitude and passion, I offer my strongest endorsement of Democrat Gwen Graham for governor of Florida. Take it from me: with Gwen Graham as governor, Florida will have a champion for progressive values in the governor's office." 

"After almost 20 years of Republican rule and with Donald Trump in the White House, Florida needs a governor who will stand up for our values and fight to strengthen public education, expand access to health care, and protect civil rights," Graham said. "Senator Gillibrand is a warrior in Washington fighting for our shared values. Kirsten's support and the support of women from across the country who share our mission to turn Florida blue is humbling and driving our campaign forward." 

Gillibrand had been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2020 but she has taken her name out of contention. 

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