Judge Andrew Napolitano 2016 Draft Gains Momentum
Supporters looking to draft Judge Andrew Napolitano to run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 are claiming momentum.
Over the weekend, Larry Hunter from the"'Draft Andrew Napolitano For President" committee insisted the effort he helps lead was making progress.
We are focused on convincing the judge the support is there to make a run, Hunter emailed supporters. And the numbers are making the case. We added 100,000 fans on Facebook in just the last three months taking us from 30,000 to more than 130,000. Thats quite an influx of support.
Hunter is aiming high, looking to get 1 million supporters by the elections in November.
We have almost 200,000 signatures on a petition to get the judge to enter the race, Hunter insisted. The movement is going viral. People are fed up with the status quo, with the failure among the current crop of would-be candidates to explain conservative ideas in a way that resonates with the American people.
Hunter insisted Napolitano has the right credentials as a candidate and to sit in the Oval Office. He has been a judge, a TV commentator, a journalist and a leading spokesman for adherence to the Constitution, limited government and smart policies on key issues such as immigration, taxes and the economy, Hunter wrote. He makes sense as a candidate because he makes sense as a person. People listen to him and like him, and he has the right views to save our country from the horrific malaise in which it now finds itself.
But he is not a run-of-the-mill politician, Hunter added. He does not hold one office and look longingly and constantly for another.
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