Gary Johnson Doubles Down on Marijuana Legalization
A Gallup poll released on Monday found that 50 percent of those surveyed favor the legalization of marijuana while 46 percent want to keep it illegal. The poll prompted a statement on Tuesday from Republican presidential hopeful former Gov. Gary Johnson of New Mexico who has been a longstanding advocate of marijuana legalization.
I have said for some time that marijuana legalization was approaching a tipping point in terms of public support, and this survey shows that we are there, said Johnson -- who, despite his best efforts to be invited, will not be participating in a debate with the other candidates in Las Vegas on Tuesday night.
Gallup has been polling the American people on this issue for decades, and support for legalization has been steadily increasing year after year. That is not because 50 percent of Americans have suddenly decided that smoking marijuana is a good thing to do. It is because Americans increasingly see what I saw as governor: that treating marijuana use as a crime, rather than a health issue, accomplishes nothing other than ruining lives and overwhelming law enforcement and the courts.
Refusing to face the truth about marijuana laws and their failure is the modern-day equivalent to Prohibition, which served only to jump-start organized crime -- just as our marijuana laws are providing vast riches to the cartels who are terrorizing our southern border, added Johnson. Yet, for the most part, there are no politicians who will speak that truth, much less act upon it. With 50 percent of Americans open to the idea of legalization, why wont the ruling class at least let us have the conversation?
When I raised this issue as governor, many told me I was writing my political obituary, added Johnson. Ten years ago, maybe they were right.Today, however, its time for the politicians to start listening and facing reality when it comes to drug laws that have simply failed.
The poll may have held a hint for Johnson on why his campaign has stalled badly. Only 34 percent of conservatives in the poll and 35 percent of Republicans back the legalization of marijuana.
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