Florida Republicans, Democrats Exchange Jabs over In-State Tuition for DREAMers
On Wednesday, Gov. Rick Scott announced he'd be onboard with offering in-state tuition for children of undocumented immigrants, but the Florida Democratic Party isn't sure his efforts are sincere.
For three years, Rick Scott hasnt been treating young, undocumented immigrants like people -- now, hes treating them like political pawns,saidFlorida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant.
Less than a year ago,this governor saidhe didnt support helping Dreamers go to college, and thenvetoeddrivers licenses for Dreamers. We saw whereRick Scotts heart is when he targeted Hispanics with a voter purge, andvoiced enthusiastic support for Arizona-style immigration laws, Chair Tant added.
But Rick Scott's camp didn't take the comments lying down.
"If the Florida Democratic Party supports automatic annual tuition increases and making education more expensive for every Floridian, they should just say so," said "Rick Scott for Florida" spokesman Greg Blair. "After all, that's the position of their preferred candidate for governor," he added, taking a jab at former Gov. Charlie Crist.
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