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Do Muslims Have Their Man in Rick Perry? He Has Their Money

It may not be the endorsement he's looking for, but Muslims apparently love pending GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry.

Salon and the Houston Chronicle report that the Texas governor, who is expected to formally announce his candidacy for president Saturday, has cultivated friendly relations with the Islamic community in the Lone Star State and elsewhere.

Criticized in some quarters for his participation in large public prayer events, the professing Christian has reached out to Muslims, laying the first brick at a Plano worship center, initiating a teacher-training program on Islamic history and signing off on halal regulations.

In return, Perry has received donations from Muslims who previously contributed to his Austin predecessor, President George W. Bush (whose family thoroughly dislikes Perry, by the way).

Footnote: Perry's cozy ties with the Muslim community align with another Republican stalwart, Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform. Just saying.

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