Claiming it will Generate 700,000 Jobs in 7 Years, Rick Scott Unveils Economic Plan
Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rick Scott released his economic plan on Wednesday morning and he is claiming his seven steps will lead to 700,000 new jobs over the next seven years.
My seven-point plan isnt complex; in fact, its based on proven common-sense business principles, said Scott. I am the only candidate with a proven record of creating private sector jobs and my comprehensive 7-7-7 plan will put our financial house in order, balance the budget, and create the jobs Floridians desperately need.
"To give Florida a fresh start and put Floridians back to work will require a governor with the right experience -- a businessman who knows firsthand what it takes to attract and keep private-sector jobs, added Scott, who has contrasted his record in the private sector to the lengthy political career of Attorney General Bill McCollum, his chief Republican opponent. As governor, Ill be Floridas Job-Creator-In-Chief. Ill be focused on putting Floridians back to work, not securing my next political job, and Ill be accountable to taxpayers not beholden to special interests. My 7-7-7 economic plan will grow the economy, create jobs and increase wages.
Scotts economic plan can be found at his campaigns Web site.
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