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Charlie Crist Leads Rick Scott in WFLA/SurveyUSA Poll

WFLA and SurveyUSA released a poll late Tuesday evening which shows former Gov. Charlie Crist taking 46 percent and Gov. Rick Scott behind with 40 percent in the hotly contest Florida gubernatorial race.

Libertarian Adrian Wyllie takes 8 percent, while 6 percent are still undecided.

Noting that their poll showed Scott ahead by 1 point, SurveyUSA stressed the poll was taken during Rosh Hashanah which could account for the 7-point swing over a week.

The poll also has an equal sampling of Republicans and Democrats -- 40 percent each -- with the rest of the sample coming outside the major parties. Traditionally in off-year elections, Republican turnout is higher than Democrats.

The poll of 584 likely voters was taken from Sept. 26-29 and had a margin of error of +/- 4.1 percent.

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