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Anti-Tax Group Says Orange County Could Stop Collecting Tolls on Roads

An Orlando-based activist group wants Orange County's toll roads gone.

Noting that the ever-expanding network of tollways raked in a record $251 million last year, and that tolls are slated to increase next year, Ax the Tax is calling on the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority to close up shop.

Its a self-perpetuating bureaucracy, Doug Guetzloe told Freeline Media. The bonded indebtedness is one of the arguments they keep throwing at us, but the last time we checked, they had $1.4 billion worth of bonds.

He said Orange County has the money to finance the bonds for the next two decades, and using that money to pay off the bonds would enable the Expressway Authority to eliminate the tolls.

Doing so, Guetzloe said, would abolish the Expressway Authority and that would get rid of 200 to 300 high-paying jobs.

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