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Americans Want to Cut Spending to Reduce Deficit

Americans see less federal spending as good for the economy, according to a new poll released Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports.

The poll found 62 percent of likely American voters think the government should cut spending to deal with the nation's economic problems. Voters still aren't hot on government spending -- only 23 percent believe the government should be spending more to respond to the struggling economy.

Voters are nearly split on whether the federal government will do too much or too little to help the economy -- 49 percent believe the government will not do enough to help the economy, while 40 percent believe they'll do too little.

An overwhelming majority of voters -- 91 percent -- are worried the government will do too much and believe it should cut spending to help boost the economy.

The national survey of 1,000 adults was conducted July 18-19. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.

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