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Allen West Votes No to 'Political Posturing' on Payroll Tax Cut

U.S. Rep. Allen West called the payroll tax cut approved by the House Friday "a backdoor tax increase."

"This supposed payroll tax decrease is really a backdoor tax increase on homeowners and first-time homebuyers," said West, R-Plantation.

"The deal is being paid for by added fees on FHA-backed loans. Homeowners with FHA-backed mortgages represent more than one-third of mortgages in the United States. Those middle-class Americans will be footing the bill for this political gimmick."

West estimated that homebuyers with a $200,000 standard 30-year loan will have to pay an extra $10,000 over the course of their loan.

"It would take roughly 250 paychecks with $40 extra from the payroll tax holiday to pay for the added increase to the life of an FHA-backed mortgage loan," West said.

The congressman went on to say, "Some may argue the payroll tax deal will not affect Social Security. This could not be further from the truth. The federal governments general operating account will be used to compensate for the lost revenue in the Social Security Trust Fund, which will increase the deficit and add to the nations debt.

"My position on the payroll tax extension has not changed. In December of 2011, I supported a responsible one-year extension that was fully paid for, and would have put money back in the pockets of American workers while protecting homeowners, Social Security, and not adding to the deficit and our ever-increasing national debt.

"This current deal is not good policy -- but it is political posturing."

The measure passed 293-132.

Other Florida Republican representatives voting no were Sandy Adams, John Mica, Jeff Miller, Richard Nugent, Bill Posey and Dennis Ross.

Democratic Reps. Alcee Hastings and Frederica Wilson also voted no, largely because of slightly increased benefit-contribution requirements for federal workers.

The measure quickly cleared the Senate, 60-36, with Sens. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., voting aye.

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