Alcee Hastings Endorses Patrick Murphy for Senate
Democrats keep hopping on U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphys, D-Fla., bandwagon as he runs for the U.S. Senate in 2016. U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., announced on Thursday he was backing Murphy.
I am truly honored to endorse my good friend Patrick Murphy for the United States Senate, Hastings said. "He has fought for the Democratic principles that we hold dear in Florida -- fairness, equality, and opportunity for every person in this state. Whether he is working to ensure all Floridians can exercise their right to vote, or doing all that he can to help the middle class by fighting to raise the minimum wage, Patrick is the right candidate and what Florida needs to move our state and this nation in the right direction. I stand ready to do all that I can to get Patrick Murphy elected as our next United States senator.
U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., is also considering running for the Democratic nomination in the 2016 Senate race.
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