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AFP Bashes Rick Scott's Proposal for More Funds to Enterprise Florida

Americans for Prosperity’s (AFP) Florida chapter continued to push against Gov. Rick Scott’s call for an additional $250 million to Enterprise Florida. 

Noting Let’s Get to Work, a group backing Scott, is running a new TV ad supporting the proposal, Chris Hudson, AFP’s director in Florida, insisted on Thursday the state should back free market solutions instead of funding Enterprise Florida. 

“Floridians should oppose the governor’s call to hand out $250 million dollars to well-connected special interests,” said state director, Chris Hudson. “There’s only one thing the governor’s latest ad got right; it does take all kinds of people, taking all kinds of risk to create the flourishing economy we have today. Let’s keep mortgage, technology, manufacturing, and even donut shops working by reducing regulations and lowering taxes for all Floridians.”

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